Our responsability
Global industrialisation and the growth of world population have placed extreme pressure on the availability of natural resources and the condition of the environment. Midgard supplies and operates equipment that is designed to reduce and control the emissions of harmful wastes into the environment. Midgard recognises the need to pay attention to and protect our environment for our own sake and the sake of our children’s future. Only through the cooperative efforts of all can the best possible Health, Safety and Environment record be maintained.
Midgard's Policies
Quality statement

Quality is important to our business because we value our customers. We strive to provide our customers with products and services which meet and even exceed their expectations. We are committed to continuous improvement and have established a Quality Management System which provides a framework for measuring and improving our performance.
Continual improvement
Each business unit, subsidiary and joint venture is subject to auditing programmes that review and evaluate:
- Quality & Health, Safety and Environmental Management System
- Health, Safety and Environment Physical Audit
- Journey Management Audit and against industry
Both leading and lagging Q&HSE performance indicators are regularly updated and these Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are utilised by the leadership to monitor performance, target locations for improvement opportunities and benchmark ourselves both internally
The following are some of the KPI’s which are used as performance indicators within the Midgard's Q&HSE management programme:
- Lost time injury (LTI)
- Restricted Work Case (RWC)
- Medical Treatment Case (MTC)
- Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)
- First Aid Case ( FAC )
- Environmental Spill
- Property damage
- Near Miss
- Motor Vehicle Incidents (MVI)
- Training Hours
- Tool Box Talks (TBT)
- HSE Meetings
- Site Audits and Inspections
- Hazard Hunt Card Programme
Midgard 12 Safety Rules
Our mandatory Midgard 12 Safety Rules reinforce what employees and contractors must know and do to prevent serious injury or fatality: for example, wear seat belts and do not speed or use mobile phones – even hands-free – while driving. If they break the rules, employees face disciplinary action up to termination of employment, while contractors can be removed from the site and barred from future work with Midgard.